Prerequisite(s): The System Administrator must have assigned you the Document Management Administration role.
A customer folder must have been either added to the File and Folder Management folder structure or to the Directory Template Structure.
At least one Customer Role must have been created by the System Administrator.
1. Hover your mouse over the Administration link on the menu bar.
2. Click the Document Management Administration sub-link from the menu bar.
3. If not already selected, click the File and Folder Management tab at the top of the Document Management System Administration page.
4. Navigate the File and Folder Management folder structure to the folder where you wish to add folder permissions.
5. Click the Assign Folder Access button.
Note: Customer folders only have ‘Read’ and ‘Create, Rename and Delete Folders’ access type permissions.
Clicking the Inherit from parent folder radio button for an access type, will automatically assign permissions to this customer folder based on the permissions that have been set for its parent folder. This is the default access type selection.
Clicking the Apply radio button enables the selected customer folder for a selected customer role to specifically have this access type granted.
Clicking the Apply Exclusive radio button enables the selected customer role to have this exclusive access type for the selected customer folder. If one or more customer roles are granted an exclusive access type to a customer folder, all other roles are effectively denied permission to this same folder.
6. Click the appropriate radio buttons for each customer role and access type listed to assign access permissions to this folder.
7. Click the Save button.
Note: In order for a user to have the Document Management link on his action list, this user must have been assigned a Customer Role by the System Administrator and this Customer Role must have the ‘Apply’ access type set for Read access by the Document Management Administrator on the Root folder under the File and Folder Management tab.