1.   Click the Click here to register link.  (See Screen Shot)





Click the New Vendor Registration link on the menu bar.

2.   Complete all fields in Step One of the registration process.  (See Screen Shot)


Note: The first step in the registration process is to create a user profile by entering your user information and your company name .The System will then use the company name that you have entered to present you with a list of similar companies that have already registered in the System. If your company is presented in the list of registered companies, then you do not need to reenter any company information. Your user profile will be automatically assigned to the company and you will become a “General Contractor User and General Contractor Bidder” in the System. Skip to the section CREATING A USER PROFILE IN THE SYSTEM for instructions on completing the registration process.




3.   Click the Next >> button at the bottom of the page.

4.   On the Step Two: Your Company Information page, if your company is not listed, click the Next >> button to add your company to the system.  (See Screen Shot)

If your company is listed, skip to the section CREATING A USER PROFILE IN THE SYSTEM.






5.   On the Step Two: Your Company Information page, complete required fields including those with red text and review all information on the page. You may leave the Federal Tax ID and Vendor ID fields blank at this time as they are optional.  However, these fields must be completed and verified by the Buying Organization before anyone from your company may submit a bid on a public contract.  (See Screen Shot)


Note: Click the Back << button to return to the previous page.




Note: The Point of Contact Name is defaulted to your name. This user is the only user with the functionality to edit and maintain your company’s profile information. The Bid Notification Name and Email is defaulted to your name. This user is notified each time a user from your company submits a bid.  The default information cannot be changed until other users from your company have registered in the System. Once other users have registered, this role may be assigned to another registered user.


6.   Click the Next >> button.


Note: Click the Back << button to return to the previous page.

7.   On Step Three: DBE/SBE Information, if your company is certified as DBE, SBE, WBE and/or MBE, click the Add Certificate link to the right of the corresponding certification.  (See Screen Shot)

If your company is not certified for any designations listed, click the Next >> button and skip to step 15.



8.   Select a Certifying Agency from the drop-down list.


Note: If your certifying agency does not appear in the list, enter its Certifying Agency, Certificate Number, and Expiration Date in the provided fields at the bottom of the page in the Other section. Then, click the Add Other Agency Certificate button.


9.   Enter the Certificate Number.

10.  Click the calendar icon to open the calendar and select the certificate expiration date from the calendar.

11.  Click the Add Certificate button.

12.  Complete steps 7-11 for all Certificates that you wish to enter in the System.

13.  When all Certificate information has been completed, select the Gender and Minority Status from the drop-down lists provided at the bottom of the page.  (See Screen Shot)



14.  Click the Next >> button.

15.  If you wish to provide the goods and services your company provides for purposes of bidding on contracts, click the Yes radio button and click the Next >> button.


Note: If you do not wish to provide the goods and services your company provides, click the No, Finish radio button.


16.  Select the Goods and Services that your company provides or that your company is interested in hearing about public contracts of that type.


Note: Select a search method to locate the appropriate Goods and Services. 

         Selecting Group, clicking on one or more groups from the list and clicking the Search button, displays all Goods and Services in the selected group(s). Be sure to select the radio button next to Group to select Goods and Services in the selected group(s).

         Selecting NIGP Category, clicking on one or more categories from the list and clicking the Search button, displays all Goods and Services in the selected categories. Be sure to select the radio button next to NIGP Category to select Goods and Services in the selected group(s).

         Keyword(s) may also be entered into the box to the right to further refine the Group of NIGP Category search results. This functionality will display only Goods and Services that contain the keyword.


17.  Click each of the appropriate Goods and Services from the Available Goods & Services list so they become highlighted. To make more than one selection, click the first selection with your left mouse and then hold down the CTRL key as you make additional selections with the left mouse.

18.  Click the Add Selected Goods and Services button.  (See Screen Shot)




19.  Repeat steps 17-19 until all appropriate Goods and Services appear in the box and the bottom of the page.


Note: You may remove selected Goods and Services by highlighting them in the bottom box and clicking the Remove Selected Goods and Services button.


20.  Click the Next >> button.

21.  Review all information on the step 4 page and click the Finish button at the bottom of the page (See screen shot).

check your information.gif

Note: To update the information entered for Step One: Your Profile, click the Edit Profile >> button under Step 1: Your Profile on the Check Your Information page.

To update the information entered for Step Two: Your Company’s Information, click the Edit Company >> button under Step 2: Your Company’s Information on the Check Your Information page.

To update the information entered for Step Three: Your Company’s DBE/SBE Certification, click the Edit Company DBE/SBE >> button under Step 3: Your Company’s DBE/SBE Certification on the Check Your Information page.

To update the information entered for Step Four: Your Company’s Goods & Services, click the Edit Goods & Services >> button under Step 4: Your Company’s Goods & Services on the Check Your Information page.


22.  Make note of your User ID and Password because it is required to view public contract information, submit a bid and manage your user profile and company profile if you are the General Contractor Administrator for your company.