Contractors should be added successfully to CapEx Manager by a contractor’s representative following the Vendor Registration process which is accessed from the NJTA’s public website. Instructions can be found in the section - Registering Your Company In the System.
The following functionality allows the System Administrator to create a contractor company profile in the application.
1. Hover your mouse over the Administration link on the menu bar.
2. Click the Manage Contractors sub-link from the menu bar.
3. A list of all contractors in the system appears on the ‘Contractor List’ page.
4. Click the Create link on the left above the Contractor list.
5. Complete all fields on the ‘Create Contractor Profile’ page.
Note: At a minimum, you are required to complete the following fields before clicking the Create button (required fields are denoted by an * to the right of each field):
• Company Name (company names entered into the system must be unique)
• Address Line 1
• City
• State
• Zip Code
• Point of Contact Name
• Point of Contact Phone
• Point of Contact Email
You may use the tab key on your keyboard to easily move to the next field in the template.
Marking a contractor as ‘Inactive’ automatically inactivates all its users and prevents them from logging in to the system and receiving their passwords utilizing the Forgot Your Password functionality.
6. Click the Create button to save the contractor information and add the contractor to the system.
7. Review the page, complete any additional fields and click the Save button.
8. A confirmation appears ensuring you have successfully created the contractor.
Note: You must complete steps 1-7 above before you may assign Goods/Services Codes (NIGP Codes) to the new contractor profile. To assign Goods/Services Codes to a contractor’s profile, follow instructions found in section ADDING/EDITING GOODS/SERVICES CODES TO A CONTRACTOR’S COMPANY.