Prerequisite(s):    The System Administrator must have assigned you as a surrogate user for a primary user.


1.   Hover your mouse over the Administration link on the menu bar.

2.   Click the Surrogates sub-link from the menu bar.

3.   A list of primary users that you may log on, on behalf of appears.

4.   Click the Login button associated with the primary user you wish to log on, on behalf of. (See Screen Shot)




5.   Click the Home link above the menu bar.

6.   You are now presented with the selected primary user’s projects, available actions per project and notifications. You now have access identical to that of the selected primary user.  Notifications that are deleted by you (as surrogate) are also deleted from the primary user’s view.  All notifications and reporting will reflect the primary user as performing the actions or sending the notifications that are a result of actions performed by you (as surrogate).

7.   Click the Logout link on the menu bar to log back in to access your primary projects and actions.