Prerequisite(s): The System Administrator must have assigned you the Document Management Administration role.
A customer folder must have been added to the Directory Structure Template.
1. Hover your mouse over the Administration link on the menu bar.
2. Click the Document Management Administration sub-link from the menu bar.
3. Click the Directory Structure Template tab at the top of the Document Management System Administration page.
4. Navigate the template folder structure to the folder where you previously added a customer folder by clicking on the folder name links.
Click the icon in the ‘Actions’ column for the
customer folder you wish to rename.
6. Enter a new name in the ‘Rename Template Folder’ field in the ‘Rename Template Folder’ popup window and click the Save and Close button (see Screen Shot).
Note: Click the Close – No Changes button to close the ‘Rename Template Folder’ popup window and disregard any changes made.